October 2, 2024

I don’t know about you, but I did not do a minute of exercise this week, and my body is worn out. My innards are absolute mush from the emotional roller coaster…no…the emotional half-put-together Hillbilly Days carnival ride that was this past week.

Everything from anger to hope to jubilation to bitterness to nostalgia to disbelief to regret to stress to jealousy all reached maximum piques and were compacted into six days that felt like six months. I had friends I hadn’t spoken to in years reach out at various points in the Kentucky coaching search process to see how I was doing, a gesture typically reserved for a major life event like the death of a family member.

KSR’s Editor in Chief, Tyler Thompson, shared the emotional peaks and valleys that her Oura ring captured during one day, but those meme-stock-looking volatile data points stayed consistent all week.

While I don’t own a mood ring from the future to map my feelings in visual graph format, I can safely confirm similar erratic swings. My hunch is that so did you.

Now that the dust has settled, let’s dip back into what this unexpected coaching search was like to process as an unabashed big blue die-hard. I hear it helps.

Sunday: DenialJohn Calipari vows to make changes after Kentucky's latest early NCAA  tournament exit - Yahoo Sports

Denial is the first stage of grief and losing John Calipari was no different. It was supposed to be a relaxing Sunday evening. I was in Phoenix at the Final Four’s free Mumford and Sons concert biding my time between acts by scrolling through Twitter when I first saw the news of Calipari jettisoning to Arkansas. Like most of Big Blue Nation, I first laughed it off, but when it started to gain steam, I began to panic. As it became more and more evident this wasn’t a hoax, denial set in.

The Calipari-Kentucky partnership has had all too many relationship analogies, but I’ll add one more. It felt like I had gone to break up with my girlfriend but she convinced me to stay together. Then, three weeks later, she broke up with me. No lie, it kind of hurt. It doesn’t matter how much you want to end a relationship, after 15 years, you can’t help but care for them.

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