October 7, 2024

Macy Gray: ‘I always had a kind of funny voice and it never occurred to me that I could sing’

Really late, not until I was in college, so in my early 20s. I always had a kind of funny voice and it never occurred to me that I could sing. I went to college and sang around a bunch of musician friends because I had been taking piano lessons since I was seven, so I kind of gravitated towards musicians. I started forming bands and writing songs just for fun and then I really got into it and got attached to it. Then a friend of mine asked me to be a singer in his jazz band. He gave me all these jazz CDs and I studied all these different singers and I kind of taught myself how to sing for a gig, but I didn’t take it seriously until later. I was really awkward. I was just doing it for fun.

By the time I did my first album I had done a lot of singing and performing, but I was surprised by the success of I Try specifically. I thought the chorus was too wordy (2) and I didn’t think people would remember it. I didn’t realise it would be that much of a big deal.

A lot of people got really upset about it. I read this article in the LA Times where the writer used it to talk about how artists would use these award shows to promote their albums! What do you think everyone’s doing there? It’s all about helping sell your records.

I just forgot. I know the national anthem! I was in my home town and all my relatives were there and it just flew out of my head. I skipped the entire first section. It was my own version, basically.

I’ve been playing for a while and I love it, but I’m not very good. I wouldn’t advertise my technique, because it doesn’t work. Sometimes I’d do really well and other times I’d be really bad. I think I’m too easy to figure out. If I get a good hand I just go, “Awesome!”

Yeah I’m very excited. I’m just learning all the words and stuff. I’m doing a Michael Jackson song but I can’t say much about it. I haven’t heard much about a storyline or anything yet. I think it might be happening in December.

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