October 2, 2024

The Final Virginia Tech Hokie Good, Bad, and Ugly of 2023: Military Bowl Victory

If truth be told, the irony of the 2023 Hokie football season was that the quarterback for Game 1, closed out the season as the signal caller for the final plays of 2023. Only the reality was that it was for completely different reasons. In the first game Grant Wells started and in the final contest, he was the garbage time clock burner. The other odd thing about that is that it’s the way that it should have been at the end.

Maybe this was the biggest lesson of all, and a real sign of some growth and maturity in both the players and coaching staff. They had problems and issues… adjusted… kept at it… and eventually found a way to stitch together a winning season.

There are quite a few good things that came out of the Military Bowl Game, besides running yardage records and the like. Here are some of them in no particular order:

Learning from Mistakes Not Succumbing to Them

The September 2023 Hokies would have folded up like a cheap lap robe after that disastrous fumble that started their first offensive series. That scoop and score would have rocked the team back on its heals, made the offense super timid, and been the seed for a series of momentum burying defense exhausting three-and-outs. This time Tech came back with a long-sustained drive featuring runs. It only resulted in a field goal, but the point with Tulane and Hokie Nation had been made. The misfortune was not going to push the cautious button. The team stayed aggressive on both sides of the ball, and that ice breaking first 3 points seemed to tell the Green Wave and the fans, “nope, not this time.”

The first half was a back and forth with Tech battling the weather conditions and the wet ball more than the Green Wave, but eventually they ground out a lead to end the half, even with the ball handling miscues.

No run game is going to work without decent blocking. The passing game was problematic because of the super wet conditions and slick ball, but running on a turf field is still a doable feat. Even if the turf is wet, the runner knows where he’s going, and the defense has to react. It’s harder to react when the offensive line is finally getting off their positions, sealing the edges and backsides of plays, and getting the upper (and inside) hand with one-on-one blocking situations. There also needs to be a touch of nasty in the mix. Playing in the line isn’t for the passive aggressive “be polite” crowd. It’s an MMA fight with pads and bringing a bit of a bad attitude to the mayhem is actually a good thing. Wednesday, you saw the line get nasty, finally! Not cheating nasty, mind you… the “up to here with your lip so I’m gonna beat you every way from Sunday” sort of nasty. The edges were blocking well and maintaining those blocks until the runner was past.

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