September 22, 2024

A Washington man who traveled across the nation to have sex with a child was sentenced to 35 years.

Chief Judge Thomas Kleeh sentenced 34-year-old Nathaniel James Davis today. Prior to this, Davis had entered guilty pleas to charges of felony offense involving a minor committed by a sex offender and interstate travel with the intent to engage in sexual activity with a minor. Court records and testimony indicate that 13-year-old Barbour County resident Davis, a registered sexual offender, started an online relationship with the youth. After that, Davis went to West Virginia from Washington State to meet the child for sex, but the police stopped him.

Because of his 2016 conviction in Whatcom County Superior Court in Bellingham, Washington for communication with a minor for sexual contact and child pornography, Davis was required to register as a sex offender.

In a different instance, 49-year-old Gerrardstown, West Virginia resident Maurice Monroe Cato, III received a 10-year sentence for possessing child pornography. Cato was sharing and posting child pornography, according to court records and testimony. Upon searching Cato’s phone, over 600 photos and videos featuring minors—including kids under five—were found. Gina M. Groh, U.S. District Judge, chaired the hearing.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Kimberley Crockett and Stephen Warner handled the prosecution of the Cato and Davis cases, respectively.


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